If you ask children to to describe their problem, or why they are exhibiting a specific behavior, they generally cannot answer. They are not being defiant; they do not possess the words or understanding to verbalize the answer.
(860) 255 - 4475
If you ask children to to describe their problem, or why they are exhibiting a specific behavior, they generally cannot answer. They are not being defiant; they do not possess the words or understanding to verbalize the answer.
In the playroom, we help children learn the skills to manage their lives. Children learn how to connect emotionally, express their feelings in appropriate ways and regulate their emotions. Play and toys are the language of children; children tells stories through play. Children feel more grounded, empowered and inspired.
Play therapy allows us to guide a child directly and indirectly into areas which allow us to work on particular issues. Play materials are varied, but therapy may include such things as story-telling, board games, card games, art techniques, sand play and pretend play.